Happy Teeth Syrup Homeopathic Medicine For Teething Trouble for Kids
Teething trouble, also known as odontiasis, refers to the process of primary teeth eruption in infants and toddlers. It typically begins around six months of age and continues until around age three. While teething is a natural developmental milestone, it can often cause discomfort and distress for both the child and caregivers. Some teeth cause more discomfort as compared to others when they erupt. Teething for most toddlers is a painful experience and is a good explanation for a baby’s changed behavior and minor illness. Most parents get alarmed when their baby suddenly can’t stop crying and needs to be carried around all the time. This usually happens when the toddler is about 6 months old and can be a classic symptom of teething. Diarrhoea is also an important manifestation of teething which is termed Dentition Diarrhoea.
Irritability and fussiness. Excessive drooling. Swollen and tender gums. Refusal to eat or drink.
Increased biting or chewing behavior. Sleep disturbances. Mild fever (sometimes).
Conventional treatment – Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (for children older than six months).
Homeopathy teething remedies offer a natural and gentle approach to managing teething trouble in children. One such remedy is Happy Teeth, a homeopathic combination medicine specifically formulated to alleviate teething-related symptoms. Homeopathic medicine for teething aims to address the underlying imbalances in the body and stimulate its inherent healing mechanisms.
Antimonium crudum, Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Natrum sulphuricum, Cina, Cinchona officinalis, Chamomilla, Staphysagria.
Delayed dentition. Swollen, tender gums. Gnawing. Dentitional diarrhea of infants and children Irritability.
1-2 teaspoonfuls two times daily.